grab the safety ropes to pull the scaffold into the building. now they re eye level with the scaffold, close enough to see the fear on the faces of those two men. they were terrified. they didn t think they were going home that day. firefighters try to make a bigger hole in the glass to give the window washers more room, but there s no time. when the scaffold collides again with the building, at the precise spot where firefighters are waiting the two frightened men seize the moment. they didn t wait. they were so afraid that they literally just dove through that small opening. after their 15-minute terrifying wild ride, oscar gonzalez and hector estrada break down. they are grateful to be alive. translator: we really thought the cables would snap and the scaffold would crash down. thank god it didn t. translator: when the wind started we tried to hold on to the cables on the building, but our arms got too tired. we lost energy, it was so cold. so we let it loose. everyone
oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don t wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. welcome back. it is time for our heros and zeros of the day. new yorkers are cold and indifferent, right? our hero today proves that maybe it s not so. her good deed is not forgotten. this is the story. a very pregnant upper east sider was trying to hail a cab to the hospital. the baby didn t wait. door man of the building rushed out to help and then right there in a crosswalk, the miracle of birth.
didn t wait. linda schmidt with our fox affiliate has the story. oh, she is precious. reporter: the last time that i saw little ila and her mom and dad was on third avenue yesterday. polymccourt had gone into labor, and her doorman was trying to hail her a cab to get to lennox hill hospital. he was trying desperately to hail a cab. a lady walked out in front and hailed a cab and got into it. i went no, that s my cab. i want that cab! but poly s labor was so fast she didn t have time to get into that cab. so she sat right down on third avenue and 68th street, her door man propped up her back to give her support, and she gave birth. poly s husband keean was driving back from new jersey and arrived after the baby was born. you see this crowd and what went through your mind? i knew instantly it was poly. i feared the worst thinking she d been knocked down.
what is it you re hoping to hear from the president? our focus with the president is always on the same priorities that are important to our constituents. around jobs and economic development, what are we doing to create additional opportunities for our people. we re very interested in opportunities to help our small businesses export and to attract foreign direct investment. we ve seen great initiatives over the last couple of wears from the administration on that. we would love to hear more about the president s proposal around early childhood education and what we as governors can do make that happen so more of our young people have those great opportunities when they are young to start their lives out strong. the president has been talking a lot about it and it s a priority for him. the minimum wage. trying to increase the minimum wage in this country. you all didn t wait there in your state. you all recently passed an increase that will take you want up to 8:25 by next year. i
she was looking for me? i m here. she was just taking attendance. she was worried. if you only knew she was going there, maybe you would have shown up. maybe. like a reunion. good for him. i think that s incredible that he feels there is he s going to serve. they pay for your education. meanwhile, another day, another delay. i m talking about obamacare. i thought this was a joke. can you believe it, the white house didn t wait til friday at 4:00 o clock to tell us monday at 4:00 o clock. it happened yesterday. usually it s friday because no one is paying attention, especially you, because you heard the word happy hour and you re gone. now they say hey, businesses, i know we told when you we passed this law in 2010 that those businesses with more than 50 employees will have to insure those employees and give them health insurance or pay a $2,000