administration, when president obama took over, the first thing he did, the stimulus, $787 billion to create new jobs. now, suddenly before the economy even recovers, we have switched gears entirely and talking about $4 trillion in cuts. it is ass-backwards. we go backwards, and this means unemployment will go up. more people will lose their jobs. why didn t the democrats, when they had the majority in the house and senate, move forward to stop the bush tax cuts from being extended or at least to end them then and move forward with a jobs bill? i see a lot of self-righteous democrats in washington today, but they wanted to protect themselves last year this time when we were facing a midterm elections. where was the outrage then? there was outrage then. what happened? the president made that deal, and he forced that deal on congress. made what deal? made what deal? it capitulated to an
many are asking could he stage a a political comeback in the future? joining me juan williams that was one bizarre press conference after a bizarre few weeks here. why didn t he just resign sooner? why didn t the democrats come out of box and say you gotta go, why? i think there was a reluctance to dump on one of their own right away. in a political sense you try to protect yourself. weiner was someone who was rising up. in fact, he didn t have a lot of friends that became more apparent as the days went on. the second thing is, weiner made the case that he hadn t violated any law. as you saw they were going to take away committee assignments. beating up on him. even people who were close to him in the leadership up to harry reid were saying and president obama, you gotta go. clear message. sean: interesting you say this it was reported in the private democratic caucus that new jersey congressman took a
many are asking could he stage a a political comeback in the future? joining me juan williams that was one bizarre press conference after a bizarre few weeks here. why didn t he just resign sooner? why didn t the democrats come out of box and say you gotta go, why? i think there was a reluctance to dump on one of their own right away. in a political sense you try to protect yourself. weiner was someone who was rising up. in fact, he didn t have a lot of friends that became more apparent as the days went on. the second thing is, weiner made the case that he hadn t violated any law. as you saw they were going to take away committee assignments. beating up on him. even people who were close to him in the leadership up to harry reid were saying and president obama, you gotta go. clear message. sean: interesting you say this it was reported in the private democratic caucus that new jersey congressman took a
in south carolina politics this way. citing a civil war politician who said, south carolina is too small to be a nation and too big to be an insane asylum. it s the weirdest story. where was the democratic party throughout this process? they re trying to get a candidate to run against senator jim demint the incumbent and these are the candidates they come up with? they don t even go out there and campaign and let the folks know who they are? well, one of the people i talked to, very prominent in that state, too, he thought the other candidate would have had a good shot against jim demint if only he had gotten through the primary. that leaves open the question why didn t the democrats get behind that man in the primary and get him out there? neither of them was very visible. he got 100,000 votes, greene, 100,000 people voted for someone they had never seen, never heard of, just what, because he was the first name on the ballot and they liked the way it sounded, alvin greene? the
be the wrong thing to do. the american people didn t send us here to wage symbolic battles or win symbolic victories. so the white house is saying it will continue discussions with lawmakers on capitol hill. the vice president is going up to capitol hill today to talk with lawmakers. we expect it will be a difficult discussion, a spirited discussion behind closed doors. but bottom line, they think this deal is better than they would have gotten a month from now or would have gotten even just days ago, jon. jon: the vice president is going to have its work cut out for him. it sounds like the white house is getting a lot of heat from some critics in the democratic party and is starting to push back. we are seeing the start of a blame game going, the white house saying if the democrats want to fight so much, and this on capitol hill, then the president was making his case earlier this year against the upper income tax cuts, why didn t the democrats in the house and senate take up the