healthy. and good. weight watchers. join for free. because we understand. because we ve been there. because it works. hurry, join by september 14th and you ll get a free month. gretchen: good morning to you today. it is wednesday, september 11, 2013. i m gretchen carlson. president obama laying out a case for a strike against syria last night burks in the same speech, he also asked congress to postpone the vote. if we fail to act, the assad regime will see no reason to stop using chemical weapons. i therefore asked the leaders of congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force while we pursue this diplomatic path. gretchen: so is the president sending mixed messages to the world? brian: one year to the day, four americans lost their lives, another explosion rocks
chemical warfare on the battle field and it could be easier for terrorist organizations to obtain these weapons and to use them to attack civilians. i have therefore asked the leader of congress to postpone a vote to authorize the use of force while we pursue this diplomatic path. steve: one of the real disconnects is the fact he made an effective case about how chemical weapons are different. then he talked about how there is a red line. and they crossed the red line, and we ve got to do something. yet he s considering a diplomatic solution where mr. assad, who used these chemical weapons, crossed the red line, could remain in power. charles krauthammer said last night this was one of the oddest presidential speeches ever delivered. here is charles. that s what makes this one of the most odd presidential speeches ever delivered. here s a president who urgingly addresses a nation on all channels to call for a pause, assuming that the nation does not call for a pause on something t
our city safe. back to our friends in the studio. steve: peter and commissioner, thank you very much. down from lower manhattan, where as you can see, it s a busy day for business. brian: he might be the next homeland security secretary. he was referenced to by the vice president the other day in one of his speeches. coming up, last night the president made a case for war. but then moments later he called for congress to postpone a vote on syria. is he sending mixed messages? charles krauthammer has an idea about that. gretchen: first on this day in history, 1982, hard to say i m sorry by chicago. brian: it s still hard to say i m sorry. gretchen: the other day you didn t like any of these songs. do you like this song today? brian: in 1982? it s still hard for me to say i m sorry even ragu users a. chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i ve made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ]
brian:>x dramatic rescue in colorado caught on camera. a mom and daughter trying to escape floods climbed on to the roof of their car. a man was driving by and saw them. too much water was coming into my truck. i backed in. that allowed me to hold on to my truck while i grabbed them. brian: not only did he rescue the mom and six-year-old but he dropped them off at a nearby school and went back to tow the car out. gretchen: it s not for a movie role. oscar winning actor tom hanks proving he is añr regular citizen by showing up for jury duty. hanks taking his responsibility very seriously. he was seen jotting down notes about the case. those are your headlines. brian: probably hopes to get a script out of it. straight ahead, how much of our show is left? 2 hours and 20 minutes. gretchen: your math skills are out of this world. steve: she s everybody s favorite mama. entire family will be more than happy to take me anyplace that i need to go.
don t have one or two. they have thousands of people, jihaddists gathering up and they re talking about trying to hold that ground for a safe haven in the future. why the president didn t lay out case, listen, this is in our interest to get ahead of this. steve: absolutely. it s confounding. steve: since we got you today on 9-11, 12 years after the strikes on world trade center and washington and shanksville, and one year after what happened in benghazi, i understand that the c.i.a. director, john brennan, wrote you a letter and said we re going to cooperate. he also denied that c.i.a. officers have been subjected to polygraphs or required to sign nondisclosure agreements as well. is that all accurate? well, in the individuals that we ve talked to so far, i believe that s accurate. we have not talked to all of them. one of our frustrations was there were several that were either not made available or decided they didn t want to cooperate. but that no longer is an option. so we