will end up hurting somebody if not themselves. they re both staying. detained. i m going to bonaventura? will you state your name, please? devon starkey. how old are you, devon? i m 18. we re here because devon was arrested on a bench warrant issued by the court. it says here your whereabouts were unknown by the juvenile lake county probation department. further he has failed to attend his court-ordered counseling and lastly, he has failed to attend an educational program on a regular basis. go on and have a seat up here, please. you were ordered by the court to attend counseling, is that correct? yes, ma am. did you attend counseling? i had left the home and was trying to live on my own. so i didn t attend from april to june. let s talk about why you left the home.
no longer be detained while the case pends. the decision is not an easy one for the judge. and answers won t come overnight. services need to be ordered. placement options explored and ultimately she must decide if it s in everyone s best interest to send the boys home while all this is in motion. well today, of course, the court will order that both boys have a psychological evaluation. i know, kenneth, that you want to leave. i read the letter you wrote to this court about your girlfriend having a baby soon. i m certain that you would like to be there, as you told me in your letter. i would like to give you a break here, but in light of this is your sixth referral to this court, four in the year of 2008, the court s going to order you remain detained pending your next hearing in that you may be a danger to yourself or the community. as it related to kentrell the court is also going to order he be detained. pending his fourth hearing. this is his fourth referral to the court. and
you know what, the minute you show up at someone s house and someone pops a cold brew in your face, what are you going to do? exactly. we got one honest person in here. i just need to be in a different environment, less violence happening. less bad activities going on in the neighborhood. that s where i think i need to be. i acknowledge, lord i acknowledge, lord that you ve done everything for me that you ve done everything for me by dying on the cross by dying on the cross by raising from the dead been through so many of these court dates. i don t know. i mean, right now in my head it s a 50/50. detained or released. i mean, you think about it, a judge, you have this prosecutor. that s a lot of big people to go against when you re just by yourself. you sleep in here you always think about what s going to happen in court.
like, what they going to say, what they going to do to you. luckily for 17-year-old kenneth and his 14-year-old brother kentrell, who is also here at lake county juvenile, they are not alone in their desire to be released and sent home. attorney don ruck represents children in court. the perception or misperception of juvenile court is it s similar to the adult court. the reality is the system is much more concerned about getting kids rehabilitated and giving them an opportunity to not having this happen again as opposed to just locking somebody up. one of the challenges that we re going to have is convincing the court and the judge, in particular, that despite you having been here before and lot learned your lesson that you re going to learn your lesson this time and not get into trouble again. kentrell, help me understand some of the things going on in your life that help demonstrate that. i m playing ball. where do you play ball at? at the court. and tell me a little bit
blood pressure, some heart problem this is morning and can t be here today. i don t know if she went to the hospital or what the circumstances are, but i talked to your sister, and your sister supposedly is coming, although she was supposed to be here at 8:30 and she s not here yet. it s now about noon. so that s the update on things. i need to get out. is there something you want me to tell your sister when i talk to her again? she s supposed to call me back in a few minutes. tell her she needs to bring my mom up here. i need my mom up here. i ll let her know. hang tight here for a little while longer an we ll see if either your mother or sister can get here then we can get to court, okay? come on, man.