optimistic t is easy for a long time, whether it be days, hours, weeks or months to just be mad and be pessimistic about, you know, and focusing on what went wrong, why this didn t go my way. you say complete opposite, be optimistic. you have got to be on the mix and it is important if there are risks involved, you take the right precautions. if there are things coming up, for some people, they have got laid off in an industry where perhaps things really aren t going up, so you ve got say, you know what i m going to be optimistic i will have this great career in this industry, maybe i need to lock at retraining myself, getting new skills, going into a new industry, optimism isn t just about positive thinking. very often it is about being realist knick your thinking but saying, you know what i can get through this. you say reach out what do you mean, reach out for support, reach out for, you know, some guidance, better advice, what? absolutely. when you are resilient, you reach ou