defending his leadership and the department. you ve listed 23 incidents before the shooting involving the shooter and still nothing was done to keep guns out of his hands, to make sure the school was protected, to make sure you were keeping an eye on him. your deputy at the school failed. i don t see how you can sit there and claim amazing leadership. jake, on 16 of those cases, our deputies did everything right. our deputies have done amazing things. we ve taken this the five years i ve been sheriff, we ve taken the broward county s sheriffs to a new level. i m working with the bravest people i ve ever met. at this point one person didn t do what he should have done. it s horrific. the victims here, the families, i pray for them every night. it makes me sick to my stomach that we had a deputy that didn t go in. because i know if i was there, if i was on that wall, i would have been the first in along
into these deputies received the training they needed maybe you measure somebody s leadership by whether or not they protect the community. in this case, you ve listed 23 incidents, before the shooting involving the shooter, and still nothing was done to keep guns out of his hands, to make sure that there were that the school was protected, to make sure you were keeping an eye on him. your deputy at the school failed. i don t understand how you can sit there and claim amazing leadership. jake, on 16 of those cases, our deputies did everything right. our deputies have done amazing things. we ve taken this in the five years i ve been sheriff, we ve taken the broward sheriff s office to a new level. i work with some of the bravest people i ve ever met. one person, at this point, one person didn t do what he should have done. it s horrific, the victims here, the families, i pray for them every night. it makes me sick to my stomach that we had a deputy that didn t
lives? yes, i believe that. but as far as anything else done at this point, i can t say that. all right, that interview of scott israel, the sheriff of broward county this morning with jake althoutapper. lots to talk about here. james guliano is with me now. james, let s talk about the police response to this shooting. israel says as far as he knew, there was one officer there. unclear why he said in his interview with jake that he didn t know why that officer didn t go in. what strikes you with this interview? first of aushlll, fred, kudo jake tapper. i watched that full interview this morning and jake tested power. i understand that jake runs a large department, and to say that the inactivity or inaction of one person it goes back to the culture, the leadership
that there were police on the scene and they didn t go in at least three sheriffs deputies and didn t go in. one deputy that worked there, peterson, he worked there and he s a coward. he stood by the door, i know it s a fact. he could have made it to the third floor and saved all six victims if he wasn t some little i can t even words can t even describe the way i think about it but i m not trying to think about that stuff because that s just negative and i am going it s going to make me toxic but i want to get the words to the governors of every state that they have to do something now, today get together, they could call me, i have other dead parents here, we all want to help them and let s make the schools safe. chris: delaney when you hear that, and it s not just the sheriffs or the deputies that
painful and now we hear stories that there were police on the scene and they didn t go in at least three sheriffs deputies and didn t go in. one deputy that worked there, peterson, he worked there and he s a coward. he stood by the door, i know it s a fact. he could have made it to the third floor and saved all six victims if he wasn t some little i can t even words can t even describe the way i think about it but i m not trying to think about that stuff because that s just negative and i am going it s going to make me toxic but i want to get the words to the governors of every state that they have to do something now, today get together, they could call me, i have other dead parents here, we all want to help them and let s make the schools safe. chris: delaney when you hear that, and it s not just the