think to most americans who haven t served is that, you know, we deeply appreciate what the members of the military have done for us. and their huge sacrifice. i mean, some lose their lives. some lose their limbs. some just aren t home for when their children are born. that s terrible. this is what we give them in return. exactly. i mean, as a veteran myself. we raise our right hand. we put our lives on the line and there is a covenant from america to those who serve. that we re going to take care of them. we shouldn t be sending our men and women to war unless we re going to care for them when they get back. this is egregious. i mean, this is a travesty. so, lives are at stake here. right now as we speak. and it needs to be fixed starting today. and shinseki should resign. i agree. it shouldn t be painful we go through weeks and weeks and weeks trying to talk about this. just go. do the right thing. anyway, colonel thank you. very disappointing. thank you. is the white house
i think it s been mishandled from a to z. again, it really is an interesting question about just how much you want and care about the subject, how familiar you want to address it because no one could stop the president and his wife from talking about this if it was an urgent matter. patrioty gaggle how mad he was today. silent anger last three weeks he never brought himself to speak. then he started talking about a lot of people happy with the kind of care they are getting from the v.a. that s great except the guys that didn t get care in time audacity reduced the backlog of the claims. the data from the sending back from the v.a. books have been cooked. how do you know that the back slog getting any better. the washington externship s reporting it s opposite. the backlogs are getting much longer. he has no leg to stand on but he does this all day. let s all calm down and take our time. i don t think we should
yeah. i think he doesn t have a sense of fixing the problem. has he told you one thing is he going to do to fix this problem? has he ever embraced the idea that what happened to the veterans was not just disgraceful but illegal? to stand by the v.a. chief now makes no sense given his testimony on capitol hill. i like general shinseki but i have no confidence in him. it s not a issue of liking him. is he the right man for this job. yeah he is not the right man to fix this problem in my view. why did it take three weeks? did the president honest to god find out about this abuse in phoenix through cnn? what kind of white house do you have that you have to find this out on the news? senator, thank you. thank you. and in the midst of the v.a. crisis, director of the phoenix v.a. hospital keeps getting pony bonuses. that is the same facility where 40 veterans died while waiting for care. just last month sharon helmand received $8,500 bonus. the v.a. claims today that
where we spent a lot of time talking to someone housed inside. making a big announce the about the latest benghazi probe. probe. latest member of the [ female announcer ] there s a gap out there. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. at humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. if frustration and paperwork decrease. if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. the gap begins to close. so let s simplify things. let s close the gap between people and care. let s close the gap between people and care. really. so our business can be on at&t s network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there s unlimited talk and text. we re working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share.
failure of the covenant we have to protect our veterans. how long do you think shinseki was aware of this and how long do you think the president was aware of this? you know, i don t know how long he was aware of it, but, again, in the military when i was a squadron commander, if theres was something going on in my squadron even if i wasn t personally responsible he is accountable. he is accountable even knows about it seems like systemic. started if phoenix. 26 facilities under investigation. and veterans healthcare is at stake right now today. so he is accountable for it. it happened under his watch. and who knows when obama knew about it for crying out loud he says he finds out everything on the news. so ship seq.y needs to go. we need to turn the page with a fresh start. we need to hold everybody accountable. criminal investigations as appropriate. right now we need to make sure that the veterans get the care they need instead of the bickering going on in washington about it.