public were misled. sean spicer was asked why things didn t happen why flynn wasn t removed sooner. why wait another two and a half weeks. i don t understand how that s a due process. the attorney general didn t come in the acting attorney general come in and say there was an issue. she said i wanted to give you a heads up there may be information. okay? there was she could not confirm there was an investigation. so it would be unbelievably short sighted and wrong to go in and dismiss someone immediately. in fact what the president did was take decisive action to make sure that the white house counsel thoroughly reviewed and vetted the action. he took thorough and decisive action. if you look at time line and how that expanded the white house counsel s foremost goal was to make sure there wasn t a legal issue at hand. once that was determined then it became a phase of determining
strong believer he changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the united states for travel to join us specified underground groups. the fbi says it checks data bases, telephone communications, online activity. it also actually interviewed tamerl tamerlan tsarnaev and family members. they say they did not find any terrorist activity so they gave the information to russia and did not ask for or receive more additional info. case closed. because additional information didn t come in, then the fbi says under our purposes for our system with all the the records and the investigation that we re allowed to do here, it hasn t risen to the level to warrant further investigation or full time surveillance. a federal law enforcement official agrees and says tamerlan was not on a terror watch list or any no-fly list because the u.s. never deemed him a threat.
you re referring to? um, yes. the system pinged when he was leaving the united states. by the time he returned all investigations the matter had been closed. is it true that his identity document did not match his airline ticket and if so, why did tsa miss the discrepancy? there was a mismatch there. well, there was that and there was also more. now with what else we know and what more we still do not. tamerlan sar nevada first hi hit the radar in 2011. they sent a letter to the fbi and other agencies that we think this guy has become radical. you need to watch him. an fbi statement said the question from russia was based on information that he was a follower of radical islam and a
showing these letting us have the license for these pictures. anderson? so, jay, what he is saying is he saw the vehicle allegedly driven by dzhokhar literally drive through the road black, basically just smash its way through the police roadblock. and did he also see the vehicle drive over his brother? i don t think that he didn t tell me that he saw that. he saw the car go through and get away. but at that point he was about half a block away. he couldn t get all the visions in detail. okay. anderson? and drew, you have some information about fireworks or pyrote pyrotechnics that were purchased before the bomb. yeah, tamerlan went to new hampshire and bought two large fireworks. he went in and said what is the biggest, loudest thing you have?
so there were no alarm bells when tsarnaev came back to the u.s. six months later. but the time he returned, all investigations, the matter had been closed. but even sew, it s not clear if the department of homeland security was charged with monitoring travel even know that ztsarnaezatsarnaev was on his r. we are trying to make sure that all of that information that was available was shared. if it wasn t, there may be somebody who dropped the ball. a u.s. official said even when there s a hit in the system it doesn t prompt anyone in law enforcement to take action. it s just monitoring for suspicious travel. joe johns, cnn, washington. zbr well, we re getting more breaking news now. a u.s. official telling cnn s jessica yellin about the ongoing investigation that there is no hard evidence of accomplices. there is no known evidence to