and i think it s important, because burr is trying to send a signal there. now, that said, what the republican response here will be is this is a president who s never done this before. no, it is not super appropriate for him to involve himself in this, but it is not is illegal for him to do so. burr has said in that new york times, no, i was not influenced unduly, i didn t feel pressured. again, donald trump operates in a lot of gray area, politically speaking. you never know if he s doing it purposefully, is he blundering into it? i don t have the ability to go into his head and figure that out, but he often does this. look, i ll give you another one that you didn t ask about, don. donald trump is doing a rally in pensacola, florida, four days before the alabama special election. pensacola has a lot of crossover into that s a bait and switch. i don t know if you can call it that, because or a sleight of
comey, trump has had these inappropriate contacts and he s had a lot of pushback to those. the excuse that he s new to this and doesn t understand how immensely inappropriate this stuff is, it doesn t hold up and it does start to corroborate the notion that, hey, this isn t just a political neophyte, you know, who doesn t understand this isn t the way you go about things, but instead there is some kind of obstructive intent behind what he s doing. do you read anything into their response, john, that the white house has been cooperative with the senate intelligence committee s inquiry and the president at no point has admitted attempted i should say to apply undue xluinfluence committee members. he has reiterated what he has long said publicly, there is no evidence of collusion and these investigations must come to a fair and appropriate completion. i m reading it off my phone here. i don t have my glasses. he may be the only one in america who doesn t see what everybody else sees
america who doesn t see what everybody else sees. there s such a trail by now of associated meetings with russians for quid pro quos, hiding what did happen, and then admitting that it happened. and you know, his pattern seems to be less like a president, and more like the thugs that he associated with in organized crime in new york. and the tactics that he picked up from roy cohn are evident and so visible to the public that it s lake you have to be from another planet or never seen this kind of thing to believe that anything that he s doing is innocent. you re pressuring people to cut out of an investigation, when they re making disclosures to the public that implicate him in a conspiracy. i don t think very many people believe what they hear from the white house, and we have a pinocchio president on all other issues, so why do we think the one that he s the center of the investigation, he s going to be any better? susan, i want to ask you about blackwater founder we, er
any privilege. so sessions has used the excuse of privileged converseation before with had testifying about russia but is that something he s even allowed to do? i don t think so and one of the reasons is when they did the comey thing, which is what this is about, they released letters. so whatever converseation they were having were leading to a disclosure or something. on top of it, what the congressman is talking about is if you re try tooliing to use a privilege, then it takes flight because the privilege is supposed to protect unrecognized confidential exchange of information. so we don t recognize you can use a privilege ever to ubstruct justice and we wouldn t be in a position to prove it had we not had had a series of drafts from the president to the attorney general to the assistant attorney general and then a week later we have mr. trump saying
there s no law against that. but this goes farther this goes much farther beyond that, because this is a swaying of influence and it becomes part of the marketplace. you can see more saturday night, 7:00 eastern in the ax files right here on cnn and tune in at 7:00 p.m. eastern. when we come back, it is often what happens when a relationship runs its course. one person can t muster the guts to break it off with the other while hoping the other will do it. what happens when one of them is secretary of state and the other is president of the united states? i m going to ask a former deputy secretary of state what he thinks. think of your fellow man, lend him a helping hand, put a little love in your heart. you ll see it s getting late, oh please don t hesitate. put a little love in your heart. in your heart. in your heart. in your heart. in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million