traged y these people have felt. and he talks about himself rather than talks about them.eah it s breathtaking. well, i mean, i can only imaginee your friends back home are telling you. yeah, i should say, sean,i pe by the way, i m a proud texan. i was born and raised in texas. i just spentm my summerins in maui. and it s a place that is very near and dear to my heart. to mi love and i do have deep connections and friendships that are local there. and that s why he s been soan important me to dive deep into this story and begin to try to not just helpquesti answer questions. and that s what joe biden could be doing right now. why didn td g. the sirens go of. why was the electric company mismanaged? what was wrong with the lands?sd where was the water? and most importantly, perhaps right now, how many children are missing? this should not be a hard questiono to answer and to see the president of united states in in this situation to me, is emblematic of the entire incompetence that le