this in september of 2015, in september of 2015, that donald trump would be the republican nominee of the party. not that i had some great insight into this, but i did know what the republican party had become. and donald trump didn t change the republican party. donald trump didn t change it, he revealed it. he revealed it for who they are, and that s the problem they have. just pushing donald trump off the stage is not going to even come close to solving the problem. because this is who they are. they are now the villagers who carried the torches are now in charge of the village. and so the republicans have allowed this to happen. so they have allowed all the barriers to be knocked down, they have no guardrails, nothing, and their problem is fundamentally now not what donald trump in my view, though he s a approximate problem for them, the problem is their base, because their base is completely out of sync with the sort of mainstream of america. that s the problem. and until they sta