a state of emergency and massive cleanup after a catastrophic flooding. these train tracks left hanging in the air. tonight, the warning from officials that a major vermont dam could overflow. this is devastating, a total loss. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy has arrived in this we need to summit. not come fighting a concrete path for his country to achieve membership. norah: more california homes at risk of falling into a canyon after a major landslide. lawmakers grilled pga executives about the tour s controversial merger with saudi-backed liv golf. a brutal, repressive regime can buy influence, indeed even take over a cherished american institution. norah: our series, age of ai. how you can protect your family from phone scams that use artificial intelligence. what you are about to hear is something i never said beard hey, this is carter, i need your credit card number right now. i mean, that really sounded like me. it is you. it
withth certain c chemotherapas as y your first t treatmentt ifif you do nonot have an a abnormal egfr o or alk gegene. keyeytruda can n cause yourur e system toto attack hehealthy ps of your bobody duduring or afafter treatmtm. this may b be severe and lelead to deatath. see your d doctor righght awy if you h have cough,h, shortnesess of breatath, chchest pain, , diarrhea,, sesevere stomamach pain, severere nausea oror vomitin, headache, , light sensnsitivi, eye proboblems, irregular r heartbeat,t, extrtreme tiredndness, constipatition, didizziness oror fainting,, chchanges in a appetite, thirstst, or urinene, coconfusion, m memory probob, muscle p pain or weaeakness, fever, rasash, ititching, or r flushing.. ththere may bebe otheher side effffects. tellll your doctctor about all yoyour medicalal conditio, inclcluding immune sysystem problelems, ifif you veve had or plpln toto have an o organ or s stem cell t transplant, receceived chestst radiation or havave a nervouous syststem p
fourth of july celebration, and how it has inspired generations along the way. known for r lessons ththat mat. knowown for lessssons that m m. knknown for bebeing a freeee s. nono one wantsts to be known n for cancerer, but a trtreatment cacan be. keytruda i is known to treatat cancer, fda-approvoved for 1616 types of f cancer. one of t those cancecers is advdvanced nonsnsquamous, non-small l cell lung g cance, where kekeytruda iss approvoved to be u used withth certain c chemotherapas as y your first t treatmentt ifif you do nonot have an a abnormal egfr o or alk gegene. keyeytruda can n cause yourur e system toto attack hehealthy ps of your bobody duduring or afafter treatmtm. this may b be severe and lelead to deatath. see your d doctor righght awy if you h have cough,h, shortnesess of breatath, chchest pain, , diarrhea,, sesevere stomamach pain, severere nausea oror vomitin, headache, , light sensnsitivi, eye proboblems, irregular r heartbeat,t, extrtreme tiredndness, constipat
extreme titiredness, constipapation, didizziness oror fainting,, changeges in appetetite, ththirst, or u urine, confusioion or memorory proble, musclele pain or w weakness, fever, r rash, itchching, or flushing. these are not alll the e possible s side effect. tell youour doctor a about al your m medical cononditions includuding immune system problelems, or if you ve had an organ transplant, hahad or plan n to have a stem cell transplant oror have had d radiationn to y your chest t area or a n nervous sysystem condition.n. it feelsls good to be here for them.. living lononger is posossibl. it s t tru. kekeytruda frorom merck. asask your d doctor ababout keytruruda.
it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. soso every dayay, you can n s. it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. yououuu did it!t! it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. withth centrum s silver. it s one m more step t towas takingng charge ofof your heal. everyoyone remembebers the momoment they y heard, “you u have cancecer.” how theieir world ststopped. .a.and when ththey found a way to f face it. fofor some,... .thihis is wherere their kekeytruda stotory beg. kekeytruda a breaktkthrough immunonotherapy thatat may treatat certain n cancers. onone of thosese cancers is a advanced memelanoma, whwhich is a k kind of skin n cancer where e keytruda m may be d when y your melanonoma has spspread or cacannot be r removed by y surgery. when y your melanonoma has spspread or cacannot keytytruda helpsps your ime system figight cancer.r. .b.but can alslso cause your immunune system t to atk keytytruda helpsps your ime system