Moment. Let me refrain the question. Is it ever permissible to go to a hair salon or your personal gym unrelated to that exemption for you or your family or to purchase gift cards in using a governmentissued debit card, purchase card, credit card . Not unless it has a government associated use, an approved use. And are the policies you look at epa explicit about that prohibition . They are not explicit about the prohibition. They are not . Right, that was part of our recommendation in the report is that they be more explicit about the issues of gym memberships and gift cards, that they need to improve controls there. Epa is in the process of improving their policies in that area, but they have not completed their policies in that area. That doesnt sound complicated. What goes through one ones mind if you have a federally issued credit card and decide i need groceries tonight. Why not just put it on the government card . Im not saying anyone has ever done that, but clearly some alarm be
Today nobody want to undermine the security of great. If you remember, it was related with Nuclear Weapons. If ukraine didnt have Nuclear Weapons, if you have Nuclear Weapons in hands ever irresponsible politicians, that is very dangerous. Thats why i think this is political speculations of some ukrainian politicians saying maybe we will create again Nuclear Weapon and we will be stronger. Its not so. They need political settlement and political solution and russias ready to help. I think that russia cannot help and i will tell you why. We have so level of mistrust between all of us that anything what russia may do we will be presented in other countries as something against the interests of ukraine. Russia also doesnt trust west countries thinking that everything what western countries are doing to ukraine is against russian interests. Thats all all the group sitting together as we were doing with the case of iran or with the case of south korea Nuclear Weapon or in middle east, we si
The Destin Log
His swashbuckling days are over and the only treasure he’s looking to find now is fun times fishing aboard his new charter boat, the Reel Grace.
Capt. Cliff Atwell, who was Capt. Cannonball aboard the Buccaneer pirate ship for nine years in Destin, is back fishing.
“I always in my mind wanted to come back and go fishing. I love fishing,” said the 56-year-old captain. “What I love more than the fishing is I love to take people, especially the families out that have never caught fish before. I like to see them catch fish and enjoy themselves. That s the part I’ve always enjoyed is watching people catch fish that aren’t expecting to catch anything.