Ruto said the move to allow pest-resistant GMO crops was necessary to boost crop yields and ensure food security, an argument dismissed by maize growers like Olela and a smallholder farmers' group that has filed a lawsuit against the government to have the decision overturned. Olela says GMO crops pose a threat to a "sustainable" tradition of recycling seeds, leaving maize growers dependent on big foreign companies that own the patents to GMO seeds.
MWEA, Kenya (Reuters) - Dick Olela has been growing maize on his four-acre piece of land in the Migori county in western Kenya for the last three decades but fears his livelihood could be undermined by the government's sudden embrace of genetically-modified crops.
Dick Olela has been growing maize on his four-acre piece of land in the Migori county in western Kenya for the last three decades but fears his livelihood could be undermined by the government s