thing for them to do, their loved ones, theirfriends, we are going to do it, they want to be a part of it. yes, absolutely. it isjust incredible, you know, i have a 19 year old son, and last october i was in 19 year old son, and last october i was in germany, not a nominee, but i was in germany, not a nominee, but i was at was in germany, not a nominee, but i was at a was in germany, not a nominee, but i was at a commonwealth war grace cemetery, was at a commonwealth war grace cemetery, there was looking down at a lieutenant from the rangers, killed a lieutenant from the rangers, killed in a lieutenant from the rangers, killed in his first action. a yeoman killed in his first action. a yeoman. it is a very sobering thing to realise yeoman. it is a very sobering thing to realise just how young they are, and i to realise just how young they are, and l have to realise just how young they are, and i have recently been doing a lot of work and i have recently been doing a