An Open Mic event for the Bealtaine Festival took place at Dunamaise Arts Centre, where people came to listen to and share their creative writing. Michelle de F.
The ex-cop accused of shooting and killing a police officer and two patients at Cape Town's New Somerset Hospital was referred to Valkenberg Hospital on Wednesday for psychiatric evaluation to make sure he understands proceedings.
Craft brought in some big names in the GOP to help campaign in the final days before the gubernatorial primary. Cameron held a ‘tele-rally’ with the biggest one: former president Donald Trump.
A POWERFUL personal memoir of family life in rural Laois and the heady days of Dickie Rock and the 1966 Eurovision were among the resonant stories shared at an…
Sara-Jayne Makwala King speaks to Sister Diane Seale who disarmed a gun-wielding man who shot and killed three people at Somerset Hospital one year ago.