The Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra is offering up a gourmet dinner and an evening of auction items and jazz sounds at its Rhapsody Gala on Sept. 15. The event begins with a 6:30 p.m. cocktail hour followed by a sit-down dinner at the Westmoreland Country Club — accompanied by the music
Once upon a time, a hat was a standard element of the well-dressed lady’s outfit. That’s not the case these days, but there still are those situations in which haute headgear is de rigueur — obviously including the annual Westmoreland Symphony Hat Luncheon. Dubbed Champagne & Chapeaux, this year’s event
An attitude of gratitude prevailed at the Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra’s Autumn Rhapsody gala. There was gratitude for the opportunity to gather again with friends, gratitude for business and community support for the symphony during the pandemic, and gratitude that the symphony will return to Oct. 23 to the stage of
It was an interlude of “Hats and Happiness” on Saturday at the Greensburg Country Club, as the Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra presented its 19th annual Hat Luncheon. Guests gathered on the veranda prior to moving into the ballroom, sipping champagne and mimosas and admiring each other’s colorful frocks and fanciful chapeaus.