Ag program to purchase wielding booths
By Sandy Rose Schwieterman - For the Sidney Daily News
NEW KNOXVILLE – The New Knoxville Board of Education heard at their Monday night meeting, on Jan. 11, that the Ag program’s new welding booths will be a reality.
Superintendent Kim Waterman said that the school had received enough donation funding to submit a purchase order for two new welding booths and an exhaust system. The Ag program additions may possibly be available for students this spring, if installation goes as planned. Waterman reminded the Board that instructor Rusty Knapke’s goal is to have a total of four welding booths installed, at a cost of $4400 each, so donations are still being accepted. The most recent donation came from Bambauer Fertilizer and Seed. Others were New Knoxville Supply, Brett Fledderjohann and Tom and Diane Fledderjohann.
Donations received for welding booths
By Sandy Rose Schwieterman - For the Sidney Daily News
NEW KNOXVILLE – The progress on the new welding booths was shared at the Monday, Dec. 28, New Knoxville Board of Education meeting.
Kim Waterman, superintendent and K-3 principal, told the Board that so far, instructor Rusty Knapke had collected $10,500 in donations toward the purchase of welding booths. These booths are part of the district’s new Agriculture program which is planned to begin in the 2021-22 school year.
Those who donated funds included Bambauer Equipment, New Knoxville Supply, Brett Fledderjohann and Tom and Diane Fledderjohann.
Waterman reminded the board that Knapke’s goal is to have four welding booths installed, at a cost of $4400 each and an exhaust system which would cost $12,968.