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capital. we all have to move. superintendents have to move. school boards have to move. politicians have been a huge part of this problem, dummying down standards. that s not unions doing that. that s politicians doing that. our department of education has been part of the problem. we re trying to become this engine of innovation. rather than pointing fingers, we have to step up. parents and students have to do more. everyone has to move. i understand that. it wouldn t be realistic for not to say that teachers unions have not been the chief impediment to school reform. have they not? some have absolutely been part of the problem. i always point out diane donohue, the head of the n efrnlthsza in delaware, an absolute profile in leadership, courage. she s willing to do the right thing by children. we announced last week, joe, over $400 million in teacher incentive funds to 60 school districts around the country. this is rewarding teachers for excellent work. this is awarding teachers
be in existence if it ran like. this we can t have our school system running like this. welcome to a special edition of morning joe. we re live. do you know where we are, joe? i have no idea. education plaza. learning plaza. are you going to learn something, boys, today? no. willie, how were you in school? good, not great. i was bad, not good. you were? yeah. you ll learn something today. i think you might even teach a few things as well. joining us onset, the game-change boys, senior political analyst from time magazine and msnbc, mark halperin and new york magazine s john heilemann. we have a huge show ahead today. the secretary of education will be joining us, arne duncan. new jersey governor chris christie will be on the show and mayor cory booker of newark and tom brokaw, just to name a few joining us for education nation here on learning plaza. willie, you know what happens when somebody steps on a dog s tail? they bark. your man, the governo