Parks that are down there scoring less than 80 percent that i know the parks and recreation is taking a look at to make sure those parks will be increasing in the future. In the in next slide we have a maep of the city. All districts are over 85 percent. District 9 is the highest and 10 is the lowest. The darker color being the distribution between 9095 percent and the yellow between 8595 percent. This chart here is the seven 7 years of the over all park scores. The big bar is part of what this over all score was and the Diamond Square was the highest district and the lowest district. You can see this year we had a narrowing of that gap which is great in district 9 and highest score and district 10 with the lowest score. Now i will hand it to steve. We are going to look at how we work internally, all of our areas scored above 85 percent. One showed an increase. Its almost a minor level kind of score. This screen, we present annually it shows all the various features that we rate throug
Getting 85 percent its in generally good condition. 69 percent have improved. If you compare this to last year, the numbers are different. Steve will explain in a few minutes about the reweighting we did in the scores. We retroactively applied it to these scores. So the trend should remain the same. So what you are seeing here is a distribution of parks. In the green we have parks that are over 90 percent and yellow under and red under 80 percent. You can see the parks are still doing well. We had an increase this year for the parks scoring over 90 percent which is really good. There are still a few parks that are down there scoring less than 80 percent that i know the parks and recreation is taking a look at to make sure those parks will be increasing in the future. In the in next slide we have a maep of the city. All districts are over 85 percent. District 9 is the highest and 10 is the lowest. The darker color being the distribution between 9095 percent and the yellow between 8595 p
Evaluations. We evaluate every park once a year. The parks and recreation staff go out four times a year so every park is rated. We should have up to five scores of each park every year. Thats what makes the result of this report. As you can see on this chart, this is over all trend for the last 7 years. What you are seeing from light to dark green are within the quarter within that year and the diamond is giving you the over all score for that year. We are continuing the upward trend and this is the First Time Since there has been a little bit of movement. 87 percent of the park scores above 85 percent. If a park is getting 85 percent its in generally good condition. 69 percent have improved. If you compare this to last year, the numbers are different. Steve will explain in a few minutes about the reweighting we did in the scores. We retroactively applied it to these scores. So the trend should remain the same. So what you are seeing here is a distribution of parks. In the green we ha
The scores. We retroactively applied it to these scores. So the trend should remain the same. So what you are seeing here is a distribution of parks. In the green we have parks that are over 90 percent and yellow under and red under 80 percent. You can see the parks are still doing well. We had an increase this year for the parks scoring over 90 percent which is really good. There are still a few parks that are down there scoring less than 80 percent that i know the parks and recreation is taking a look at to make sure those parks will be increasing in the future. In the in next slide we have a maep of the city. All districts are over 85 percent. District 9 is the highest and 10 is the lowest. The darker color being the distribution between 9095 percent and the yellow between 8595 percent. This chart here is the seven 7 years of the over all park scores. The big bar is part of what this over all score was and the Diamond Square was the highest district and the lowest district. You can
The in next slide we have a maep of the city. All districts are over 85 percent. District 9 is the highest and 10 is the lowest. The darker color being the distribution between 9095 percent and the yellow between 8595 percent. This chart here is the seven 7 years of the over all park scores. The big bar is part of what this over all score was and the Diamond Square was the highest district and the lowest district. You can see this year we had a narrowing of that gap which is great in district 9 and highest score and district 10 with the lowest score. Now i will hand it to steve. We are going to look at how we work internally, all of our areas scored above 85 percent. One showed an increase. Its almost a minor level kind of score. This screen, we present annually it shows all the various features that we rate throughout the park. They include general amenities, childrens play areas, dog play areas, hard escapes, we look at lawns, ornamental plantings, restrooms, trees, fields for threat