Humans have attempted to understand and treat mental illness for centuries – from ancient Greek medicine, Middle Ages exorcisms and the rise of asylums, to modern medical breakthroughs.
getting better. that s right. of course they needed follow up care and a community environment. the mental health centers, the names suggest they weren t replacing hospitals for the most intractably ill people, but that they were actually embracing a broad definition of mental illness. so broad you could actually call it mental health. and in no way do i mean to diminish the suffering of many many americans, but, you know, we live in this moment where everything in the diagnostic and statistical manual is mental illness, arachnophobia, schizophrenia. you re talking about severe stuff? the small people suffering from diagnosable severe biological orders and community mental health centers actively avoided those people because they needed so much care. the promise that was made to them was never fulfilled, and really, we have been betraying them ever since, but already 25 years ago, when michael killed kari, he had gotten sick in the
levels of global warming. we have a new tweet from the president just tonight pointing out that he is donating his salary for the first quarter of the year, $100,000, to homeland security and claiming that the press doesn t like writing about it. au contraire. the president is putting his money where his mouth is, sort of. that $100,000 is a little over 1 1.1 1,000 of a 1% of $85. billion that he requested for the wall in his budget last week. so there you go. we re talking about. remember earlier when you heard from kellyanne conway defending the president s tweeting? well, we heard from her husband too. her husband is george conway, tweeting screen grabs from the diagnostic and statistical manual of disorders, and anti-social personality disorder and going on to tweet, quo, all
it s a program one of those retreats corporate america likes to host. they re part of an experimental and radical rehabilitation program to help veterans with ptsd. it s a week long retreat of the nonprofit mel wood center in southern maryland. for army specialist scott barber it saved his life. you came to that realization that you re not crazy. you re just a normal guy. how did you feel? relieved. like a thousand pounds were lifted off my chest. that realization that he isn t crazy is key because he insists that ptsd is not a mental illness but normal. you don t go into the theater of operations as a highly skilled professional with god-like powers and then suddenly one day have a screw loose. it doesn t make sense. they know it doesn t make sense. according to the diagnostic and statistical manual of