TORONTO, June 15, 2023 DiagnaMed Holdings Corp. , a generative AI healthcare company, is pleased to announce the launch of Dr. GenAI , a generative artificial intelligence medical chatbot. | June 15, 2023
TORONTO, May 25, 2023 DiagnaMed Holdings Corp. , a generative AI healthcare solutions company, is pleased to announce the launch of , a generative AI brain health solution powered by. | May 25, 2023
TORONTO, May 17, 2023 DiagnaMed Holdings Corp. , a generative AI healthcare solutions company, is pleased to announce that its OTCQB-listed common shares under the symbol “DGNMF”. | May 17, 2023
Focused on Health GenAI and CERVAI™, a generative AI brain health platformTORONTO, May 10, 2023 DiagnaMed Holdings Corp. , a generative AI healthcare solutions company, is pleased to. | May 10, 2023