A member of the LincolnHealth Wellness team will discuss c ontinuous g lucose m onitoring at the next Diabetes Support Group on Thursday, Jan. 13 at 1:15 p.m. in the Diabetes Education Room on the third floor of the hospital on the Miles campus.
John A. Martins, LincolnHealth Mon, 05/03/2021 - 4:00pm
LincolnHealth Dietitian Kelly O’Connell will discuss online meal kit delivery services at the next Diabetes Support Group on Thursday, May 13 at 1:15 p.m. in the Diabetes Education Room on the third floor of the hospital on the Miles campus and online via Zoom.
There are many companies that offer various types of programs that deliver either pre-made meals or those that require some preparation at home. O’Connell will discuss what people with diabetes need to watch for when considering a meal kit delivery service.
COVID-19 protocols, including screening when entering the hospital, social distancing and masking will be in place for this class, and space is limited to six individuals. People may also attend via Zoom.