you just received the jane fonda humanitarian award, glamour uk women of the year, latino power list. and now us, bbc 100 women, it s a pleasure having you with us. thank you. and thank you for the, for the honour of being on the list with such incredible other women. 0k. let s start with an easy question. let s talk about your name, america. mm. what s the true story behind your name? yeah. well, i m named america after my mother, who is also named america. and it s true, growing up in the united states of america, everyone assumed that it was a, it was a patriotic homage by my immigrant parents. but the truth is, is that in latino america, the name america is much more common. and so my mother is actually named after a very obscure holiday that she was born on, called dia de las americas. and i was due on her birthday. and so i was also named america. so that, so my name is very central american and latino americana. that s a name that you didn t love when you were younger,
you just received the jane fonda humanitarian award, glamour uk women of the year, latino power list. and now us, bbc 100 women, it s a pleasure having you with us. thank you. and thank you for the, for the honour of being on the list with such incredible other women. 0k. let s start with an easy question. let s talk about your name, america. mm. what s the true story behind your name? yeah. well, i m named america after my mother, who is also named america. and it s true, growing up in the united states of america, everyone assumed that it was a, it was a patriotic homage by my immigrant parents. but the truth is, is that in latino america, the name america is much more common. and so my mother is actually named after a very obscure holiday that she was born on, called dia de las americas. and i was due on her birthday. and so i was also named america. so that, so my name is very central american and latino americana.