The Airports Authority of India (AAI) on Thursday issued tenders for the construction of the first phase of an international airport at Dholera in Gujarat, entailing an investment of Rs 987 crore, according to an official statement. The new facility is being set up in greenfield city under the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project at Dholera. Located in the north of the Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR), the upcoming airport is expected to cater to not only DSIR and its hinterland but also to traffic overflow from the Ahmadabad international airport, it said. The AAI has release Rs 987 crore tender for Phase 1 of the Dholera International Airport, which will be aligned with a fire-station of Category-9, and will incorporate a 3,200-mts (metres) runway, which will be suitable for type 4E Aircraft, said the release.
Business EconomyPosted at: Feb 5 2021 4:26PM
Strategic location of Dholera will act as a catalyst in the development of Gujarat: Shri Vijay Rupani, Honble Chief Minister of Gujarat
BENGALURU, India, Feb 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Dholera Industrial City Development limited (DICDL) in association with the Government of Gujarat participated in the 13th edition of Aero India 2021 at Bengaluru, Karnataka. DICDL showcased all its initiatives which significantly benefits potential businesses and also illustrated a host of investment opportunities in the vibrant economic corridor.
Aligned with Hon ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi s mission of Atmanirbhar Bharat , the Government of Gujarat, along with DICDL as industry partner, organized the Gujarat state seminar on the subject Atmanirbhar Bharat in Aerospace & Defence today, highlighting defence & aerospace manufacturing expertise of Gujarat, one of the most dynamic state of the country. The session mainly aimed at hig
Gujarat: Special Education Region to come up at Dholera
The Gujarat Special Education Region (G-SER) will be developed as an education hub with the potential to be developed in the future as a University District, School District and Innovation District in an area up to 5,000 acres December 21, 2020 9:23:18 pm
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between Hyderabad-based Cerestra Group and the state government to establish Gujarat-Special Education Region in Dholera, which would be spread across 1,000 acres. Representational image/ file
The Gujarat government on Monday announced a Gujarat Special Education Region (G-SER) to be developed at the Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR), a greenfield industrial city. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between Hyderabad-based Cerestra Group and the state government to establish Gujarat-Special Education Region in Dholera, which would be spread across 1,000 acres.
AHMEDABAD: The state government inked an Memorandum of Understanding for establishing a global level Gujarat- Special Education Region (G-SER) at Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR).
The MOU were signed by ACS to chief minister and chairman of Dholera Industrial City Development Limited MK Das and managing partner of Cerestra Managers Private Limited Jasmit Chhabra.
DSIR, a flagship project of the state government, is taking shape through various projects like Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway, Dholera International Airport and Bhimnath-Dholera Rail-line.
During the event, the CM said, “Dholera is the first Greenfield Industrial City which is being established to meet the requirements of Industry4.0. The establishment of a Special Education Region will further accelerate its holistic development and make Gujarat a pioneer in a Knowledge Driven Economy.”