DGAP-Ad-hoc: OPDEnergy, S.A. / Key word(s): Capital Increase OPDEnergy, S.A.: INTENTION TO FLOAT ON THE SPANISH STOCK EXCHANGES 29-Jun-2022 / 08:00 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information
DGAP-Ad-hoc: tonies SE / Key word(s): Financing tonies SE to issue convertible bonds 28-Jun-2022 / 18:43 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU)
DGAP-Ad-hoc: GFJ ESG Acquisition I SE / Key word(s): Personnel GFJ ESG Acquisition I SE: Withdrawal of Mr. Florian Fritsch from the Supervisory Board of GFJ ESG Acquisition I SE 22-Jun-2022 / 00:10