Shares of Hochschild Mining plc (LON:HOC – Get Free Report) crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 80.63 ($0.98) and traded as high as GBX 87.75 ($1.07). Hochschild Mining shares last traded at GBX 86.75 ($1.06), with a volume of 376,775 shares […]
BravoRead more of our Real Housewives of Orange County coverage HERE.There’s not a more haunting score in all of television, film—even theater, dare I say—than the Real Housewives of Orange County finale music. Stephen Sondheim would weep at its majesty.Seasons change, and so does one of reality TV’s most influential franchises, which just delivered one of its most scintillating installments in recent memory. But we can always count on at least one thing: that comforting swan song at the end of