Tej Pratap Yadav slammed the mismanagement during Dhirendra Shastri s Divya Darbar session in Patna where several devotees fell sick on Sunday due to high humidity and the heavy crowd.
Dhirendra Shastri of Baba Bageshwar Dham’s event in Patna was reportedly cancelled after more than 5 lakh followers turned up at the venue. As per reports, some people started falling sick while a few even fainted due to heat wave. Dhirendra Shastri was supposed to recite Hanuman Katha at the event. Dhirendra Shastri’s rising popularity is often compared to Baba Ramdev. Watch Business Today visual story to know about Dhirendra Shastri vs Baba Ramdev
A day after its cancellation, the Baba Bageshwar Bihar foundation finally held the 'Divya Darbar' at Taret Pali Math in Patna.In wake of the Baba Bageshwar Dham's self-styled godman Dhirendra Krishna Shastri's religious programme, a large .
Patna. In view of the scorching heat and the huge crowd of devotees, Saint Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, Peethadhishwar Saint of Bageshwar Dham, concluded | BLiTZ
Patna. In Naubatpur's Taret Pali Hanumant Katha, the storyteller Dhirendra Shastri ended the second day's story ahead of time due to gathering more than | BLiTZ