Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Dharavi Police on Tuesday arrested two people including social media influencer Vikas Fhatak, also known as Hindustani Bhau for allegedly instigating students to protest to demand online exams for classes 10th and 12th in view of COVID-19. India News | Two Held Including Hindustani Bhau for Instigating Students to Protest Demanding Online Exams in Mumbai s Dharavi.
Dharavi Police on Tuesday arrested two people including social media influencer Vikas Fhatak, also known as Hindustani Bhau for allegedly instigating students to protest to demand online exams for classes 10th and 12th in view of COVID-19.
Two held including Hindustani Bhau for instigating students to protest demanding online exams - The protesting students demand online exams for classes 10 and 12 in view of the COVID-19 situation.