The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) on Tuesday arrested Kushaldeep Singh Dhillon, aka Kiki, former Congress MLA from Faridkot, for amassing more wealth than his known sources of income.
The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) on Tuesday arrested Kushaldeep Singh Dhillon, aka Kiki, former Congress MLA from Faridkot, for amassing more wealth than his known sources of income.
During the probe it was found that he had created wealth more than all his income and purchased properties in the names of other persons in village Mumara, tehsil Sadik, Faridkot.
During the probe, it was found that former Congress MLA Kushaldeep Singh Dhillon had created wealth more than all his income and purchased properties in the names of other persons in village Mumara, tehsil Sadik, Faridkot.