A Dhaka court today summoned actor Shakib Khan to submit a written statement by May 15, in regards to the civil suit filed by film producer Rahmat Ullah, demanding BDT 100 crore from the film star as compensation. Judge Md Masudul Haque of Dhaka's First Joint District Judge's Court passed the order after Rahmat Ullah submitted the highest court-fee against the lawsuit. Earlier
A Dhaka tribunal today dismissed the case filed against former Ducsu vice president Nurul Haque Nur over "hurting religious sentiments of Awami League activists and its supporters and defaming the party with his derogatory comments"
Today, a Dhaka court granted bail to film producer, Rahmat Ullah after he was served a case filed by Shakib Khan. The Dhallywood actor stated in his case that Rahmat Ullah had tried to extort him by demanding AUD 100,000. Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate, Arafatul Rakib passed the order after Rahmat Ullah appeared before the court, accompanied by his lawyer, seeking bail.
A Dhaka tribunal today fined a suspended police inspector Tk 5 lakh in a case filed over making derogatory remarks on social media against Parliament Whip Shamsul Haque Chodhury in September 2019
A Dhaka tribunal today sentenced Mohammad Iqbal Hossain to 16 months in jail in a case filed for placing the Holy Quran at the Nanua Dighir Par puja mandap in Cumilla on October 13, 2021 and hurting people's religious sentiments