shameful the effort on the part of the democratic party to taint, to smear devyn nunes, a person who has done something very import ntd for this country. not just for the trump administration or the republican party. he is unmasking the he is disclosing the efforts of the permanent establishment in washington to taint, to undermine the effectiveness of the trump administration. you have no problem with him going to the white house first? i don t. in that role, first and foremost is to notify your colleagues in your committee. democrats and republicans. because the evidence doesn t change no matter who you take it to. absolutely. and at the very beginning he would brief the committee and have a press conference. otherwise he s going to be bum barded by every reporter in town
that s why this meeting wasn t made public. this is a problem. steve hall is on the retired chief of cia russian operations. he says this whole masking thing is a ruse. it s ludicrous. what was leaked? it s an inappropriate method by which the establishment in washington attempts to discredit members of the trump administration. what has been leaked? what s been done to michael flynn? nunes says this has nothing to do with riussia. you are saying intelligence officers let me finish. intelligence officers in the cia, the nsa, people who have worked 20, 30, 40 years for this country are doing the obama administration s bidding. and it s true in the justice department. we saw early on that high ranking members of the justice