Smoke, Wind and Fire barbecue competition set for this summer
5 – Excellent work
Backyard bragging rights for the best local barbecue this summer will be a top prize with the launch of the Smoke, Wind and Fire barbecue competition.
The Lethbridge and District Exhibition, in partnership with the Lethbridge Lodging Association, announced the upcoming barbecue competition on Wednesday that is set to be held in Lethbridge on July 10-11.
“We are very happy to introduce Smoke, Wind and Fire, a Kansas City Barbecue Society-sanctioned barbecue competition here in southern Alberta,” said exhibition COO Mike Warkentin. “In fact, the only KCBS-sanctioned barbecue competition in Canada this July.”
Smoke, Wind and Fire barbecue competition set for this summer
By Trevor Busch on May 1, 2021.
Herald photo by Al Beeber
Lethbridge Herald city editor Trevor Busch looks over the provided ingredients list for a homemade batch of Kansas City barbecue sauce.
Backyard bragging rights for the best local barbecue this summer will be a top prize with the launch of the Smoke, Wind and Fire barbecue competition. The Lethbridge and District Exhibition, in partnership with the Lethbridge Lodging Association, announced the upcoming barbecue competition on Wednesday that is set to be held in Lethbridge on July 10-11. “We are very happy to introduce Smoke, Wind and Fire, a Kansas City Barbecue Society-sanctioned barbecue competition here in southern Alberta,” said exhibition COO Mike Warkentin. “In fact, the only KCBS-sanctioned barbecue competition in Canada this July.”