talk about how terrible trump is, no, that s the least surprising poll resulting of all time, except for the election of donald trump. that one was more surprising. tom: six to 6%, i would think it would be a little bit higher. 66% have turned it off, those things all annoy me but i don t turn it off, because then how would i be able to snorkel you make fun of it on social media? tom: do you live to eat it? sometimes. i don t know if i will this year, i probably will. i ve got to do my hair that night. yeah, i am also equally shocked that democrats love the speeches, i can t believe that they enjoy having all of their sadness validated. tom: even you, devore, you re liberal but you don t want to see them talking about politics, wouldn t you rather see them talking about hollywood? i want to see the my fellow citizens be celebrated for their
somebody named milton friedland long ago that a universal guaranteed income is something that will have to happen in the future. the idea is taking it from the rich, giving it to the poor? haven t we seen this before? socialism, communism? it hasn t worked out well in the past. i think anthony is right. somebody needs to program all these robots. fix all these robots when they break. fix their robot stds they will get. tom: is the robot going to get stds? viruses. devore. during the raid, it was the fifth crack of the show. i m here to make a difference. i m here to change minds. tom: it s not just liberals calling for this. elon musk is no liberal. milton friedman is no liberal. no, he s not a liberal. tom: what do you think of the ubi?
who designed those original spacesuits for the movie is now the queens designer. he s been the queen designer of england since 1963. tom: it really? he designed the original spacesuits for what will be quick smack for space odyssey. tom: 2001 . first of all, if we had hillary would make the selection they being pensive. my dream is a boy, just a second, devore. is that some kind of mythical thing? i strike the thing with the lynyrd skynyrd flames on it. when i was a little russian boy, getting back on topic, i had two dreams. one was to be a cosmonaut and her goal was to crush my enemie enemies. what i think they should do in honor of david bowie dying this past year, mr. space odyssey,
it hearkens back to hunting, mating, something like that. and we re like, he loves me. stop. you know, devore i don t like cats. i like dogs. wait a minute! you shouldn t even be a liberal. i love drunk. you know who never had a dog? double trouble. because he s not a quality human being. i m going to break the tie here. our dogs and cats are equally intelligent? i think cats are more intelligence. more! listen, our family cats saved our cousin from a fire in the house. that s weird, your family cap is a proud boy. [laughter] i was going to say that my cat is not a proud boy. the dog started the fire, too. save the food. michael made the most sense. it s true that whatever they were testing on this, it s not necessarily intelligence.
tracking device as much as it is a health thing. it measures their temperature. sure. just like that was a tracking device. it s convenient. you don t have to put money in the tollbooth, and all of a sudden devore is telling divorce court, yeah, i was there. [laughter] that thing is straight up surveillance tech. oh, hell yes. you need to wrap that thing up in tinfoil. i am done. tom: thank you, andy. getting buff in the buff.