Tasmanian Labor
Establish a Passenger Transport Taskforce
Labor is working for Tasmanians to deliver better transport outcomes
A majority Labor Government will fix the Liberals’ North West public transport mess by establishing a Passenger Transport Taskforce.
Shadow Minister for Transport Anita Dow said the Liberals missed the bus on providing better transport for Tasmanians and only a majority Labor Government will deliver positive transport outcomes.
“The Liberals have had seven years to provide better transport for Tasmanians, yet what we have seen is a closed Devonport Transit Centre, broken promises and travellers being left behind,” Ms Dow said.
“A majority Labor Government will establish a new Passenger Transport Taskforce to fix the Liberals’ broken system.”
Change in Redline bus route causes dismay, confusion in northern Tasmania
TueTuesday 2
Midge Gray, from Mella near Smithton, has been using the Redline bus system for years.
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Midge Gray has been using the bus from Smithton to Tasmania s other regional centres on and off for decades but she may not anymore.
Key points:
Residents in Tasmania s north-west are furious about a bus service change
Redline used to operate services from Smithton to Hobart, but now the Burnie to Devonport route is being run by another company
Locals are concerned the change will deter tourists and make transport harder for people with disabilities to access