Breath of Life Church, 1313 Pine St., will observe its fourth Sunday Youth Services at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Eric Walden Jr., the assistant chief of staff for the Sixth Division Circuit Court.
m NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH at Moscow will present its Building Fund Program at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. The guest speaker will be the Rev. James Jones, pastor of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church. The Rev. Stanley Blair Sr. is pastor at New Hope.
NEW COMMUNITY CHURCH, 321 N. Birch St., will begin its Children s Sunday Services at 11 a.m. Sunday with youth pastor, Rod Goodwin. Services will be held each Sunday in the kids sanctuary, the D.W. Watson Fellowship Hall, at the church. All children are welcome and the van is available for transportation. Services will also be livestreamed on Facebook and other sites. New Community s pastor/apostle is Patrick Lockett Sr.
MT. CARMEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, 900 S. Grant St., will host the Spiritualettes gospel singers in the We Give Thanks Musical honoring the Rev. Anthony L. Craig Sr., Mt. Carmel s pastor. The concert will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday and will feature several singers including Courtney Wright and Triuphant, Devin Pruitt and Spiritually Driven, Sons of Glory, Set Apart, and the Williams Singers. The worship leader will be Dee Clay.