Distinguished business leader, Mark Myers, has been appointed the new Board Chairman of Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO). The announcement was made by the Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Aubyn Hill, who noted that Myers.
DISTINGUISHED business leader Mark Myers has been appointed the new board chairman of Jamaica Promotions Corporation (Jampro).
The announcement was made by the Minister of Industry, Investment .
Ultra Financier Limited has demonstrated proof of concept in under two months as it lent $250 million (US$1.63 million) in the burgeoning luxury asset-based lending space in Jamaica.
Ultra began.
Access Financial Services Limited (AFS) is reporting the departure of another senior executive, the latest being its Chief Executive Officer, Frederick Williams.
The CEO will demit office on December 9, 2022, after assuming the role for a litt
Frederick Williams has resigned as chief executive officer (CEO) of Access Financial Services Limited (AFS).
His resignation takes effect on December 9.
Williams had originally joined the mi.