The English family was faced with the decision of waiting two to three years for an autism assessment through public health care, or paying up to $4,000 for a quicker private assessment.
April 16, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has created many new challenges for families. Members of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab, in collaboration with our community partner
ACT - Autism Community Training, have been a part of various webinars detailing our research insights. The webinars and recorded events can be found on our
Webinars page in our resources section on our website.
You may also be interested in checking out the interviews and articles about Dr. Iarocci and the research team created by various news outlets across Canada and BC. Visit our page
ADDL in the Media to see these articles. If you would like to contact us to learn more about our research or get in touch with Dr. Iarocci, please visit our