Item one Public Comment. The public can address on the items that are not on the tonight agenda but that are win the subject matter of jurisdiction orphthe commission. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or had department or occ personal. Under Police Commission rules ofordser during the Public Comment Neither Police orocc penchlal, nor the commissioners sheryl davis. I just wanted to take this timethe last time i was here was with a group of young people and just wanted to come back and say we really want to follow up with the chief and make sure the work done this summer continues throughout the school year and wanted to publicly thank the commission and the chief for supporting the efforts and give a special shout out tothere has been so much going on not just nationally but within our city and sometimes for you all it gets very difficult to do the work you are doing and continue to do it sometimes even e in the midst
Cases before this board. Sanchez is going to be representing the Planning Department and Planning Commission pr and well also be joined by joe duffy who will be representing the department of advised the ringing of and use of cell phones and other Electronic Devices are prohibited. Out in the hallway. Permit holders and others have up to 7 minutes to present their case and 3 minutes for rebuttal. People affiliated with these parties must conclude their comments within 7 minutes, participants not affiliated have up to 3 minutes no rebuttal. To assist the board in the accurate preparation of the minutes, members of the public are asked, not required to submit a speaker card or Business Card to the clerk. Speaker cards and pens are available on the left side of the podium. The board welcomes your comments. There are Customer Satisfaction forms available. If you have a question about the schedule, speak to the staff after the meeting or call the board office tomorrow we are located at 1650
Commissioner stephenson is commissioner wald is excused commissioner wan we have a quorum. Thank you friday and please everyone please thank friday for kyle volunteering for serving as our secretary thank you clapping. okay. You called item 2 on the approval of the minutes. Thats what im doing item the approval of the minutes of the may 26, 2015 on the environment regular meeting is there an objection . So any comments discussion from the commission on the minutes if there is none can we get a motion to approval of the minutes. To approval of the minutes commissioner stephenson Public Comment on the minutes. Oh, sorry thats not you. Go. Okay david pilpal good evening just to note on the header on each page it has the previous march 24th date i dont think i have any substantive changes ill let friday know also the address for the meeting is just listed city hall 413 so one carl so on it on the address is clear on the minutes and the agendas Going Forward thanks. Further comment on the m
Secretary item on the agenda Public Comment on matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda. Do we have any members of the public who want to speak . Please come forward. Good afternoon chair hur and members of the commission. My name is Kathleen Courtney and reside on green street in San Francisco and owned and reseated at that location for the last 35 years. I have been out of the country for the last month, and therefore i was not returned home on thursday and therefore was not able to give my comments to Eileen Hansen who submitted a complaint about the alliance in connection with jobs with the work theyre doing against darren peskin. I am calling something that occurred to me on june 28 that i think reflects the egregious nature of what is going on. I am a professional marketer and as such i listen to surveys. Anybody that surveys me i listen because i want to know what is going on and how they do it, and if you look at the declaration i prepared for you june 28 after returnin
Impossible. Announcer when you open a book, you can explore new lands. [bird screeches] meet new friends, and discover new adventures. There are amazing possibilities when you open your mind to reading. [roar] you can log onto he library of Congress Website and let the journey begin. Good afternoon, welcome to the monday, october 22nd, 2012 Small Business commission meeting. The time is now 2 08 p. M. And the meeting is being called to order. At this time if you could please turnoff all your cell phones and electronic devices. Theres a signup sheet at the front table if youd like to be on our mailing list and speaker cards are also available. Item 1 is roll call. Commissioner adams . Here. Commissioner obrien . Present. Commissioner dooley . Here. Commissioner dwight . Here. Commissioner ortizcartagena . Mr. President , we have a quorum. Great. Next item. Item 2 is presentation of the Small Business Commission Certificate of honor recognizing a City Employee Jennifer Matz as part of th