Congressman and welcome to the audience. I might say we are not in the News Business developments are reported and as everybody knows, i understand there may be a democrat stimulus package and maybe some good news from the 66 chairman of the committee on ways and means. I say chairman because i if youe the chairman of the ways and Means Committee, you are always the fed chairman. I will be very brief. Thanks for letting me join you this is unique in the more than four decades you but republicans and democrats together former policymakers and Business Leaders and innovators from around the country to these comfortable situations whether tax reform Social Security all those issues congress has to deal with and then to be incredibly helpful to be first and foremost thank you for the work you have been doing for so long it doesnt always get the attention it deserves and with that i would just say im eager to get to questions it is the unprecedented challenge certainly by local healthcare l
Thanks as always, mike and , welcome congressman brady. Welcome to our audience. I might say the accf is not in the News Business but as everybody knows, dr. Fauci testified today. There may be a democratic phase stimulus package and some good chairman one 66th the committee for ways and means. I say chairman because if you are chairman of the ways and Means Committee, you are always the chairman. The oldest committee and congress. Mr. Brady, i wasnt there but i remember it was december 21, 1795 that the committee was set up with the greatest legislative authority, which is relevant now as there are so many pieces of the covid challenge. Mr. Brady is the Ranking Member of the committee. Before we begin, i want to thank all of those courageous selfless americans who are helping not only their neighbors but strangers who want to return to work safely. Congressman brady would you like , to say a few words . Gov. Cuomo rep. Brady first, thank you for letting me join you. You have brought r
Thanks, welcome, congressman brady and welcome to our audience. The acc is not in the News Business that develops are recorded in the news and as everybody knows, doctor fauci testify today, there may be a democrat next phase the meals package, hopefully good news from the 60 sixth chairman of the committee on ways and means. I say chairman because if you are chairman of the ways and Means Committee you are always the chairman. The oldest committee in congress, i wasnt there but i remember it was december 21st, 1795, that the committee was set up with the greatest legislative authority which is relevant now because there are so many pieces of the covid19 challenge. Mister brady is Ranking Member of the committee. Before we begin, i want to thank those courageous selfless americans for helping not only their neighbors but strangers who want to return to work safely. Go to the questions. I will be brief. Thank you for letting me join you. This is really unique in the sense that for four
Fauci testified today there may be a democratic phase process and thank you to everybody thanks to the chairman of the committee of ways and means. I say chairman because if you are chairman of the ways and Means Committee, you are always the chairman. Brady, i wasnt there but i remember that it was september 21, 1795 that the committee was set up with the greatest legislative authority which is relevant now as there are so many pieces of the covid challenge. Begin, i want to thank all of those courageous selfless americans for helping not only their neighbors but strangers. Congers been brady, would you like to say a few words . First, thank you for letting me join you. You have brought republicans and democrats together, former policy makers and current ones, business leaders, innovators from around the country into ,hese comfortable situations Social Security and medicare, and all of those big issues that congress has to deal with. Those always found conversations to be helpful. It
We are placing people into hotel rooms on a daily basis. We have opened four hotel rooms for the noncovid Homeless Population in a very short period of time. There is another one opening today. And more opening over the course of the next week in rapid in a rapid approach. Reporter okay, thank you. That concludes all the questions for todays press conference. I also want to thank john c. Who is troubleshooting our online meetings and ellen mccue from the board staff who are assisting with the Public Comment line. Madame clerk, are there any communications . Yes, mr. President. During the covid19 Health Emergency, Board Members will participate through the Video Conference system to the same extent as if they were physically present in the meeting. Regarding the publics participation and to minimize any uncertainty around which items are accepting Public Comment, there are three public hearings on todays agenda. Two of which are expected to be continued. Item 10, the public hearing on L