University in the United States you will see claims such as that this university will to try to think critically it will solve teaches you how to solve problems that will teach you how to communicate well and work well with other people itll teach you to be global in your thinking that all sounds wonderful and in fact i think if anybody thinks about what is the role of Higher Education we all would all agree that those are things that we want universities to teach but when you actually look at the curriculum none of those things are taught. What is taught courses in departments largely around information sometimes around analysis of that information but very much in a field specific way and the reality is is that in order to teach these broader capacities you cannot deliver it in a disciplinary way you have to deliver it in a cross contextual way so essentially youre saying that the universities are not delivering what theyre promised to give you is that an unfortunate happenstance you
Believe you provide the latter but what about the rest of the system what do you think its selling well what its selling is not necessarily what its delivering but if you go to any website of almost any university in the world certainly any university in the United States you will see claims such as that this university which he tried to think critically it will solve teaches you how to solve problems it will teach you how to communicate well and work well with other people itll teach you to be global in your thinking that all sounds wonderful and in fact i think if anybody thinks about what is the role of Higher Education we all would all agree that those are things that we want universities to teach but when you actually look at the curriculum none of those things are taught. What is taught courses in departments largely around information sometimes around analysis of that information but very much in a field specific way and the reality is is that in order to teach these broader cap
Education you always make a distinction between Information Knowledge and wisdom in fact you called your own venture after the roman goddess of wisdom which leads me to conclude that you believe you provide the latter but what about the rest of the system what do you think its selling well what its selling is not necessarily what its delivering but if you go to any website of almost any university in the world certainly any university in the United States you will see claims such as that this university will he try to think critically it will solve teaches you how to solve problems that will teach you how to communicate well and work well with other people itll teach you to be global in your thinking that all sounds wonderful and in fact i think if anybody thinks about what is the role of Higher Education we all would all agree that those are things that we want universities to teach but when you actually look at the curriculum none of those things are taught. What is taught courses in
That the those are things that we want universities to teach but when you actually look at the curriculum none of those things are taught. What is taught courses in departments largely around information sometimes around analysis of that information but very much in a field specific way and the reality is is that in order to teach these broader capacities you cannot deliver it in a disciplinary way you have to deliver it in a cross contextual way so essentially youre saying that the universities are not delivering what theyre promised to give you is that an unfortunate happenstance you know a good system in a bad shape or is it actually fraud claiming to provide what you know you cannot provide and charging a fortune for well i think its volved d to be i dont think that was ever the intent and i dont think that it was malicious in its beginnings and in fact if you think about the of the broader concept of a classical education. The goal really was to provide you with the various discip
San franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Members of the California Nurses Association went on strike today in Alameda Hospital and san leandro hospital now the group is protesting higher wages and better working conditions. It spoke with the group and has a lot more for. According to the hospital this will not impact any Services Today because they did get a heads up from the nurses behind me so they brought in replacement nurses. So if you have an appointment at san leandro hospital or Alameda Hospital. You should be ok. But the staff nurses as you can clearly see theylike theyre ready to go to work, but instead if they are ready to battle their employers because they said that they are looking for a new contract. Heres lisa lafave one of the head nurse is here. You guys arent even battling for more money its not. Actually our number one issue is safe staffing. Adding to the bone patients are at risk every day. And its like the old saying