At the Government committee meetings, the Government adopted, among other things, the Revision of the Eco Fund Business and Financial Plan, and the Revision of the Housing Fund Business and Financial Plan, as well as the inclusion of a large number of agricultural and research projects in the current Development Programmes Plan.
SLOVENIA, December 15 - At today’s session, the Government adopted a proposal for an amendment to the Roads Act, which eliminates the anomaly that occurred with
At today’s session, the Government adopted a proposal for an amendment to the Roads Act, issued a Decree granting the concession for the dental sector, and adopted the Digital Public Services Strategy 2030. In the Development Programmes 2022-2025, the Government included 15 projects totalling EUR 72.8 million granted under the Act Governing Aid to Businesses Hit by High Increases in Electricity and Natural Gas Prices.
At today’s sessions of the government committees, the government, among other things, recapitalised the Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Regional and Rural Development, activated the new item in the budget titled Increase of earmarked assets of the Slovene Enterprise Fund - Expensiveness, adopted multiple decisions on the reallocation of the national budget funds, and included some new projects in the applicable Development Programmes Plan 2022-2025.