That there should be a limitation on a Government Employee cost recognized exercise of their rights, there needs to be guidance and that needs to be clearly indicated on what the employee can do. Let me say a couple of thank yous. I can name all the people that participated but particularly the aclu. I do not know if he knew what he would be eyeing into, six and a half years of fighting the government over my job. Lee rowland was the last attorney from the aclu representing me over the last couple of years. Part of the deal when we were negotiating the settlement, i have a sub rosette agreement with lee because after talking to an attorney from the aclu every week for the last 6. 5 years, i could not go cold turkey. Job. Id a remarkable in the beginning it was aden abdo and there the aclupitzer,with in washington for a long time and stood me faithfully for six and a half years. The law firm of goodwin and proctor. They offered their services pro bono to assist as we moved toward court.
Actually taken that question out in terms of the financing for the surveys, so that no one can even if, whether it was a monetary incentive or not, if people were thinking and believing that, we wanted to take the action. Now, going to part two, that medication assisted treatment, which i know you all are working deeply on, we are as well, you may have heard that last week we announced that we have put out a final regulation that will increase the numbers that doctors who are prescribing, as long as they meet certain conditions, because we want to make sure we do this in a safe way, that theyre able to do. In terms of that expanding medication assisted treatment. As well as were also today releasing two reports on ways to help pregnant women and new mothers. Because thats a part of this, with the medication assisted treatment. I see head nods. This is something you all have told us is one of the problems. Weve got two reports coming out to help with that treatment in terms of pregnant
On American History tv on c. Fan 3 we are here to review the major findings of our full investigation of fbi Domestic Intelligence including the cohen tell program and other programs aimed at domestic targets. Fbi surveillance of lawabiding citizens and groups, political abuses of fbi intelligence and several specific cases of unjustified intelligence operations. The 1975 Church Committee hearings convened to investigate the intelligence activities of the cia, fbi, irs and the nsa saturday night at 10 00 eastern the commission questioned former associate counsel and staff assistant to president Nixon Tom Charles houston on a plan he plent presented to president nixon using burglary, electronic surveillance and opening of mail. The bureau had undertaken black bag jobs over a number of years up until 1966. It had been successful and valuable, again, particularly in matters involving espionage. And that they felt this, again, w something given the climate they needed to have the authority
North koreans pick up on this middle finger mentality. They feel that chinas trying to koreart its hegemony over. Of course, it leads to meddling. So it doesnt surprise me when relations sour. Theim shocked more by people same by the fact that people seem perplexed by the souring of relations between china. Orea and as recently as the mid2000, chinas aid to north korea was was up and down. It hasnt been consistent. There have been periods of andnse, you know, mistrust souring of relations. This is something to again, Something Else to keep in the back of your mind as you are reading reports in the newspaper about the relationship with china and north korea. Decades,e past seven their relationship has i would say, you know, at one point i went through and tallied up. Out of the past 70 years, this is when relations were pretty okd versus, you know, just versus really bad. And it was, in fact i would say that the majority of the years unfortunately, i dont remember them off the top of my