Galt Planning Commission on April 13 studied a proposed building expansion at the Walmart Supercenter on Twin Cities Road, pitched as a way to handle online orders. Meanwhile, a comment
Several Galt residents spoke at Galt City Council’s Oct. 4 meeting to ask for improvements to the city’s animal-control system. Council also passed changes to city code regarding accessory dwelling
The Planning Commission on May 12 affirmed that a list of proposed city projects complies with the general plan. It also discussed a proposed ordinance establishing more local control over
Commemorating longtime city engineer Bill Forrest, dozens of his city of Galt colleagues and members of his family gathered on May 4 for a tree planting.
Galt General Fund revenue will more than cover each city department’s budget requests, the city manager projected at the May 3 Galt City Council meeting, but spending to prop up