He takes some risk with fat as well. We have more forest fires now in california than anybody has ever seen and now messing of the traffic which is sacrilegious by yet it goes up one day then goes down the next. The people say it is a big issue, paying attention. But it will be interesting to see. He understands this issue and he wants to the of the bright side. In an interesting moment for my point of view. But with the popes visit i am learning about how much it cost to travel to a country so with that financial burden to talk so much the impact of this message so food takes charge of that . The cost is the United States will be different than the cost of cameron because washington d. C. In particular and new york are two cities that are very used to do handily enormous events so in terms of cost there is always a security cost and you can go to Capitol Police and the secret service to see how much has been spent then they bring in the occupancy taxes with the department of revenue t
Senate committee on health, education, labor and pensions will please come to order. Senator murray and i will each have an Opening Statement and then well a introduce the witnesses. After the witnesses testimony senators will each have five minutes of questions. There is a vote scheduled for 10 30. I think what well do is continue right on through until about 10 45. And then well alternate going back and forth to vote. I think well have time for all of us to hear the witnesses testimony before we have to leave for the vote. Today were holding a hearing which is the second in a series on Prescription Drug costs and response to a bipartisan request led by senators cassidy, senator franken, along with senators collins, baldwin, murkowski, whitehouse, cap tow, sanders, enzi and warren as well as other senators interested in the subject. Not only was the request for these hearings bipartisan, but both this hearing and the first hearing on drug prices were bipartisan, which means senator mu
Park in petersburg, virginia saturdays at 9 00 a. M. Saturday at 10 00 p. M. On real america, the series, abc scope examines resis tense to the vietnam war and the draft. We live in the middle of a beast. Lyndon johnson is a murderer and should be arrested for murder. There are no limits to decent. I think the Peace Movement should have the anger of vietnam women and planes that dropped in the sky. Thats the anger the Peace Movement should reflect. They have to go into the streets and use the tactic of distrux. The American People are drunk with apathy. On oral histories, we continue our series on photo journalists with diana walker, former white house photographer. I felt that i should accept their offers to be behind the scenes every time they offered it because anytime you stee president of the United States behind the scenes, you learn something about the president. And you see something. And it is important i can be there for you. You cant be there. Everything i see is important.
Scientists are warning that one in six deaths worldwide are caused by pollution thats three times more than those caused by aids, tuberculosis and malaria combined. In a report published in the medicaljournal the lancet, researchers say prolonged exposure to high levels of air pollution can lead to Heart Disease, stroke and lung cancer. Theyre calling on governments, particularly in the developing world to take action. As andrew plant reports, the vast majority of deaths are in countries like india and china, that are going through rapid industrialisation. Particles in the air, built up and breathed in. And pollution in the water they can end up inside our bodies. Exposure to man made chemicals a factor in 9 Million Deaths in 2015, says a study, akin to bidding to killer conditions like Heart Disease, strokes, and lung cancer. In this global study, pollution was linked to one in every six deaths worldwide. Pollution from factories was the biggest killer, linked to more than 6 millionju
The new skoda car up. The escort curtis to remind her presents the successor to the skoda yeti the car rock he thinks the improved design should have peeled to a wider variety of takes now hell see what else it has to offer. At first glance it could be confused with a skoda kodiak but the new car rock is more than thirty centimeters shorter than its big brother and more than two hundred kilograms wider with a curb weight of just one and a half tons and the family resemblance doesnt stop at the kodiak the car rock has Incorporated Many other features typical of skoda and its v. W. Parent. Emanuel mentions wallace who agonise modular transfers and chimp. Platform this allows the various brands within the voce wagon group to build their own models based on this platform for example to rock or say its a take at. The range of two gasoline powered and three diesel engines are available for the car and with outputs from eighty five to one hundred forty kilowatts we tested the two leader diese