Enforcement in creating systemic change toward that goal. However, to have full conversation about policing it is imperative to deeply understand the system of policing and its budget, and that brings us to our hearing today. My office worked to include questions in the report that would give this committee as much insent insight as possible into the Police Department inned a vance of the process in august. I anticipate there may be questions asked today that there arent immediate answers to. My staff will be tracking the inquiries and work on the followup report and that the board has the information it needs. I would like to remind the committee that the Police Department budget would come before this committee again and come before us two more times and in august and engaged in the full budget process. I want to turn over to the presentation today nick menard from the budget analyst and chief William Scott from the Police Department. The San Francisco Airport Authority is also here
Public comment will be available on each item on this agenda. Sfgovtv are streaming the number across the screen. Each will be allowed two minutes to speak. Opportunities to speaker is available by calling 408 4189388. Access code, 1461315200. Then press pound twice. Then connected, you will hear the meeting discussion, but you will be muted an in listening mode only. Best practices are to call from a quiet location. Speak clearly and slowly and turn down our television or radio. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment in either of the following ways. When you submit Public Comment via email, it will be forwarded to the supervisors and be included as part of the official file. Finally, spanish and chinese interpretation are available for those who need services during Public Comment period. Im pass on to the interpreters to provide a summary of this announcement. Speaking in spanish. [speaking spanish]. [speaking spanish]. Thank you, madame clerk. [speaking chinese] [speaking chin
Now we turn to the house energy and Commerce Committee. Who last week heard from the administrator of the fda. And the director of the National Institute of health. About a year after they updated members on some of the medical developments and innovations spurred by the 21st century cure act. Chfts approved by congress a year ago this month. This runs about two and a half hours. Order. Chair recognize himself. A monumental achievement. Cures was the product of a by partisan multiyear effort by the energy and Commerce Committee. To brought the laws into a modern era of medicine. It has been one year since cures was signed into law. I remember remarking at that press conference a year ago to imagine a world in which government was not an obstacle but an ally in helping us deliver drugs and devices to patients cures to patients. Todays hearing marks the Health Subcommittee first look into the implementation of the what many in the Healthcare Community called it transformation bill. That
Chfts approved by congress a year ago this month. This runs about two and a half hours. Order. Chair recognize himself. A monumental achievement. Cures was the product of a by partisan multiyear effort by the energy and Commerce Committee. To brought the laws into a modern era of medicine. It has been one year since cures was signed into law. I remember remarking at that press conference a year ago to imagine a world in which government was not an obstacle but an ally in helping us deliver drugs and devices to patients cures to patients. Todays hearing marks the Health Subcommittee first look into the implementation of the what many in the Healthcare Community called it transformation bill. That would positively impact not only the researchers and the scientists who are developing the latest breakthrough therapy. But physicians seeking treatment for their patients. Giving home to them, their loved ones and advocates. This morning we will hear from two leader responsible for implementin
House 1719 William Trent is located in downtown trenton, it is the oldest Historic House in new jersey. William trent was a scottish born merchant aced out of philadelphia. Based out of philadelphia. His business made him very wealthy and he purchased his second summer home right here where we are standing. His margin business dealt with merchant business dealt with importing and next boarding things like rum, molasses and wine. He was also involved in the slave trade. Products he exported and imported were made by slaves in the wes indies and west africa. They were brought to the shipping area where they could no longer pass along the delaware river, they went he broughts area goods to philadelphia and anywhere else that needed them. When mr. Trent came here, he became the major landowner and employer. He employed a lot of local people. Thus, making him the major employer. At one point, he incorporated the town. The locals started calling it trent town. From there, we get trenton. He