The HTMLRewriter() API gives us the ability to use jQuery-style element selectors to attach to HTML elements in raw page source to run JavaScript from that foothold.
SharedArrayBuffer warnings in Search Console: Clarifying a new cross-origin isolation security policy
Android Chrome 88 and desktop Chrome 91, plus Firefox 79+ now implement SharedArrayBuffers again after Spectre caused a multiyear security blackout on the feature until new security requirements were in place.
Detlef Johnson on March 16, 2021 at 12:07 pm
Web-facing pages are an information security battle zone as we fight hackers who try to steal company secrets. Modern webpages often leverage resources from more than one origin (domain). This can lead to vulnerabilities. As pressure mounts surrounding security concerns that affect new features, webmasters have a growing list of options from browser makers, including directives for handling “cross-origin” resources to help prevent information leaks.