he s incredibly energetic. he s efficient, and he s a flamboyant character. he has the irony of being a bad son, a bad brother, an absent king, but a brilliant military strategist. richard was much more a kind of person who would react on the basis of instinct rather than thinking. this is why he s called lionhearted. he fights brutally and ruthlessly. when king richard arrives in palestine, he was a very, very powerful figure. king guy essentially became a footnote. nobody bothered about who he was, what he was doing, because it didn t matter. both saladin and king richard believe that jerusalem belongs to their faiths. for christians, jerusalem is a place of pilgrimage. for muslims, jerusalem is a place of pilgrimage.
after all is said and done, after all the bloodshed, we re going to have to agree to share the city of god. and that s what they settle on. an agreement is made. the treaty of jaffa. saladin and richard realize both that there is a limit to power and to war. the treaty of jaffa guaranteed that whatever the muslims at that time had in their control would remain in muslim hands. and whatever the crusaders had in their control would remain in crusaders hands. the christians get jaffa and acre and the coast, and the muslims keep jerusalem and the inlands. the treaty of jaffa is the first official partition of palestine in history. after the treaty of jaffa,
ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. richard has proposed a radical partition of the holy land where his sister, joanna, will marry saladin s brother, al adil. so you would have all the crusaders possessions and the muslim possessions being joined by one royal household.
joanna is a bargaining chip. during this time period, it s important to realize that much like the women of the old testament, the ways in which royal women are treated are about the ways in which marriages can achieve alliances. richard proposes to offer his sister, joanna, in marriage to saladin s brother, al adil. the agreement would give the christians possession of the coastal lands. the muslims would have gotten most of the hinterlands, and then the capital, jerusalem, would have been jointly ruled by joanna, richard s sister, and al adil, saladin s brother. but it all hinges on saladin agreeing to the compromise.
and essentially they banned the muslims from living in the city. of course the muslims of the region want to throw out the westerners. and so this is what prompted the rise of saladin, to take back jerusalem from the christians who had taken it from the muslims. saladin was a kurd, an ethnic kurd, who was born in the city of tikrit. he s famous for his generosity. in fact, his administrators say, we ve got to hide money from him because if he knows he s got it, he s going to give it away. saladin wants to conquer jerusalem. but in order to conquer jerusalem, he s first got to unite all of the disparate arab armies into one. meaning he spent a lot of his