Where should transgender students go to restrooms at school, what teams can they play on, which cell block should they reside in if incarcerated and when can they have gender-affirming surgery were the subjects of two legislative hearings on Thursday.
On Friday the New Hampshire State Senate voted on party lines to advance two pieces of hostile legislation specifically targeting the rights of transgender people to live their lives on the same terms as other Granite Staters: SB 341 and SB 375. SB 341 was passed 13-10, with Senator Denise Ricciardi absent and arriving after the vote. SB 375 was voted Ought to Pass with Amendment 14-10.
Like so many others of its kind, the Circle Program a summer camp and mentorship program for girls in the greater Concord and Lakes Region area was closed in 2020.When it partially reopened the following summer, Executive Director Beth Dever.