and now it s time to talk about jobs. all right. let talk about jobs. here s one, neil bowlen s job with the faa new on furlough. i have a hard time understanding their partisan bickering and rhetoric. we re reaching into our investments, savings, signed up for unemployment, and that s barely going to make the electric bill, much less the water and mortgage, so, yeah, we re incredibly disappointed. he says congress could have prevented his ordeal with just a day s work. here s why they failed to. it s a little complex but worth knowing. since 2007 the faa has been running on short-term funding bills that routinely pass through congress, almost like the debt limit until now. this time politics have intruded with republicans inserting language about rural airports and faa unionization into the process, neither of which democrats support. you can decide for yourself if you re for subsidizing rural airports or whether the faa should unionize. i m not taking a position. th